Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday's Classes & Paying Rent

So, today I had American Culture and Advanced English, both taught by Mr. Matthew Taylor.  I must admit, Mondays have NEVER been so enjoyable.  I truly love going to these two classes.  They are both project and discussion based.  Every third class we present our projects in groups of 3 or 4 and have discussions.  It's really nice.  He's even thinking of having me translate Japanese news articles into English for the English class, so I can work on my translating skills because both classes are English, rather than Japanese based.  He's from Oregon (is it bad that I guessed by his personality that he was from the West Coast?  And no, he's not gay --he's got a wife and 2 daughters). 

Today's projects for American Culture were on songs.  The girls in my group did songs by Hilary Duff, Avril Lavigne and Rhianna.  They all did a great job presenting, despite being uncomfortable having a "native speaker" in the group.
The next project for this class is on race/ethnicity in movies.  There was quite a list to choose from, some of which I've seen, all of which I've heard of.  I'll let you guys know what I pick next week.

For Advanced English, I did my 6 minute presentation on an article concerning Three Mile Island and it's lingering effects on the nuclear industry in Japan.  (Here's the answer to your question Dad).  We presented in groups of three and after that, switched into new groups.  Our next project is on work-related issues. Not quite sure what I'm going to choose, or how I'm going to find a Japanese article, but, I'll do my best and let you guys know.

After class, I went and got lunch and got my rent invoice for this month. YUCK.  I forgot that I had to pay my security deposit (I just typed depurity secosit >.<)  and pay for my bedding (20,000Y and 6,240Y or $320.51 on top of what I expected).  Needless to say, it was more than I expected because I forgot what all I had to pay.  Don't worry, I have quite a bit of money left over and will survive, easily.  Anyways. I've decided that living here isn't much more expensive than living in the U.S.; well, in Morgantown, at least.

Monthly Rent: 30,000Y         $366.43
Basic Water:  2,000Y            $24.43     
Internet Fee: 4,935Y             $60.28
Electric (varies):  4,347Y      $53.10

I guess internet and electric might be higher, but rent is amazing considering location, amenities and size.  My room is HUGE.

Anyways. Apparently not only can I pay my electric bill at the convenience store, I can pay my rent via ATM machine!!!  I LOVE THE ATMS HERE!  Atms here do everything!  Balance your check book (all transactions are printed into your passbook, you just have to click update passbook at the atm); you can deposit money, withdraw and pay your rent.  Paying rent would've been difficult, but I was given a paper with a chart of what buttons to press, and the account number to transfer my money into (and Nausicaa helped! Thankies!).

Well, that's all for today.  I'm trying to blog more because I've heard you all want more to read....  Let me know if this is too mundane or boring.  I kinda feel like it is and I don't want to bore you guys.

<3 Love & Miss You <3


  1. Not boring at all!! We LOVE hearing everything you do and are experiencing! To you it may seem mundane, but to us interesting! We love an miss you! Mom

  2. Did you get tested on you song yet? I love that song by Issi,in fact your mom and i played my Hawaiian cd of his this last weekend as we baked pies.I love the pictures of the kimono's and can't wait to see them.Keep the news coming,we love it. Talk soon love always. Nanny
