Thursday, April 14, 2011

Comment Response Time

A few of you *cough, Nanny, cough* have demanded I respond to comments.  So, here goes.

Jas:  I'm having a blast.  Sadly, the cherry blossoms (or sakura) are going away now.

Nanny:  I'm answering questions now.  Akiyama-sensei & Uchiyama-sensei are both men.  Maeda-sensei, Isomura-sensei, and Imase-sensei are both women.  I haven't been to an art gallery yet, but if I find any awesome sakura prints, I will let you know.  As for churches, I have NO idea and I haven't seen/talked to my landlord since we had dinner with him. Lol.

Mom:  Go right ahead.  You can put it in my room.  =P

Jess:  Of course I give the peace sign, I'm in Japan.  They love the peace sign. <3  Miss you.

Dad:  I'm always safe. =P

Steve F.: They wear surgical masks as a courtesy whenever they get the sniffles or are feeling under the weather so they don't get anyone else sick.

Ry Ry:  Take a study abroad trip to good ole' West Virginia, once I get back of course.

That's all for now.  Class today was simple, again, but it's good to review and learn new vocab.  Love & Miss you all!  Let's hear it for those Penguins!!!  I got to watch all but the last 10 minutes because I had to go to class this morning, but it was pretty awesome.  I wore my jersey all day too!  Lol. <3


  1. Sorry you have a COUGH LOL Nanny

  2. Are the Japanese into sports like the Americans? What kind of response did you get from the jersey? Maybe your mom and I can just print some sakura pictures we like from what you send instead of buying a print. talk soon love always nanny
