Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Residence Info!!!

I didn't fall asleep last night until I knew Steve had arrived in Nagoya (he found a Dennys) so I was awake when I got an email from Kinjo with details about where I'm going to be living.

This is where I will be living.  Boarding House Y.G.  I'm in room 2B; which means I only have to carry my luggage up one flight of stairs. Whoooo!  The building is specifically for International Students and has a self-locking entrance.

I get a washing machine, closet, desk, chair, bed, kitchen (complete with cooking utensils and dishes), fridge, microwave, A/C (WHOO!) a "shoe cupboard," bath and veranda.  It looks to be pretty decently sized.

Oh, and here's a picture of my kitchen.

My apartment in Japan is going to be cheaper than the apartment Steve, Matt & I lived in on Grant St.  Rent is only $370 + $25 for water.  I can also pay for internet, which I know I will.  The building is about 20 minutes away (I have to walk & take a train) from campus.  A 3-month train pass is going to be about $75, which isn't that bad at all.  I'm really excited.

Oh!  I got my Yakkan Shoumei in the mail today!  So everything is finally coming together!  Hoorayyyyy!!!  I'm going to wait until I get to Japan to get my cell phone.  So, pretty much it's a waiting game until I leave. Whooo!


  1. Wow you get a kitchen and washing machine! Do you have to share a bathroom? Anthonys kitchen is actually a shared kitchen they were a little misleading on that.

  2. I get my own bathroom. I have a pick of it too, but didn't post it. My own apartment. Whoo.

  3. Wow! Alot different than Summit huh? C'mon, your gonna miss all that mold and mildew right?!?!?

  4. Lol. Who are you Anonymous? And I most definitely DON'T miss the mold and mildew at Scummit. =)
