So, blogger decided to eat my aquarium post. Sorry for snapping at those of you asking for a blog update, I was under the belief that this had posted just a few days beforehand. Apparently, it did not post, nor did blogger save any drafts. >.< Thank you blogger. This is gonna be short, because it was an aquarium and there really isn't much to say, just lots of pictures. (Ugh having to go through all the pics and vids again)
Steve and I went to the Nagoya aquarium as a belated birthday present for me. Isn't he sweet? ^_^ The aquarium here features a really awesome dolphin show, much like what you'd see at Sea World. We sat in the front row and got splashed a few times. It was cool. It also had an IMAX theatre where we took a break to watch a pokemon movie. Lol =P. The restaurant there is really fancy, featuring a giant wall of fish tanks and really yummy food. Anyways, enough rambling. Here are the pics and vids for you. <3
Seal |
Seals playin ^_^ |
Steve & Dolphin |
Dolphins Playin |
Om noms. |
More om noms. |
Wall of fishies at the restaurant. |
Steve said I looked like these fish. >.< Jerk face |
Baby turtle |
These shells were EVERYWHERE in Hawaii! |
Baby turtle |
Baby Pig-Nosed Turtle. |
Eets the pengins! |
Seeing as I have to edit together all of my videos for my next blog post, I figured editing together all the vids from the aquarium would be good practice. So bear with me and the likely crappiness of the following video (posting one video is a lot simpler than posting 15 little ones). Videos take forever! But so worth it! Also, blogger is being stupid and won't let me post my video on here, so here's the link. Just click and enjoy. <3
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