Today was our Potluck party! Wheee! Morning started out shitty, but the day just got better and better. I must say, over all it was amazing. I woke up later, threw on clothes, did my hair, and finished my make-up on the train. Luckily, I was only 10 minutes late, and Matthew (the Prof) was running a bit slow on the uptake as well, and class hadn't started. Today's lecture was on American Holidays and we got to watch Nightmare Before Christmas clips. I'm actually doing a presentation on Christmas for next week's class. Wish me luck. I'm going to start getting it prepared after I finish today's blog.
After American Popular Culture, was Advanced English. I must say, I love my Monday classes, they're fun and easy. Anywho, about halfway through the class, Matthew decides he's going to take some girls aside to make-up last week's presentations, and left me to lead the rest of the class in a discussion. I was very happy that he let me do so. I felt really appreciated and it was a BIG confidence booster. It also helped that Saki was with me. She's a great friend. Made things a LOT more relaxed and easier for me.
Then came lunch and, the best part of the day, SAKI'S HOUSE!!! None of us exchange students have an oven, so we went over to prepare and cook our food for the pot luck. Saki's mom is the greatest! She's so sweet and helpful! I'm so thankful that she let us invade today. =) My pies came out a little wonky. The "foil" pie plates I bought were actually foil lined paper, and were quite flimsy. As a result, my pies were kinda oval-ish and a little pulled apart in places. All that matters though, is taste, and I'm happy to say that by the time people went up for seconds, there was none left and I got compliments the rest of the party.
Mashing garlic for Nau's recipe |
Before baking. |
Saki and I being silly! |
Iona and Nau are going to kill us all in our sleep some night. |
Taking a break from cooking to chill in Saki's room! |
Iona drinking one of the very yummy mango drinks Saki's mom made! |
Finished Pie!!! I gave one to Saki's mom as a thank you for letting us invade ^_^ |
Iona's scones |
Outside of Saki's house as we were getting ready to leave. ^.^ I love my girls <3! |
We then made our way to the party, where each person brought dishes from their home country. It was yummy! I'm still not sure what all I ate, but I know there was nothing that I didn't enjoy. Elodie even made Foie Gras, and tricked me into eating it before telling me what it was made of. I actually liked it. Anyways, here are pics of some of the dishes people brought.
My pies! Kinda screwy, but oh so yummy. Also, I can't get the picture to turn the right way, so you all will just have to turn your heads. |
Iona's Apple Crumble (she also made Scones) |
Nausicaa's Aioli and vegetable. Very very yummy! |
After food, came the crazyfunness. This is where the "We're not drunk, we swear" comes into play. We weren't drunk, although I'm sure the teachers and some of the other girls thought we were. We just had a blast though! And after the party, came and chilled in my room. ^-^
Me, Nau, ????, Rie-chan, Saki-chan, Iona |
High Kicks! |
Saki & I |
Elodie, Rie-chan, & I |
Saki with her buzzer for judging Japanese charades |
Green team is better than red team, Saki! <3 |
Green dots = Green team for Charades |
Nau being adorable |
Iona and I ran and jumped in last second. Lol |
Saki & Iona in Orange Hugs! |
^_^ |
When we got back to the Boarding House, we got a little crazier. Lol. We just sat around and talked. It was really nice.
ADORABLE! Totoro dancing on Nau's head |
Totoro on Iona's head. My hair is craziness. >.< |
Today was a really good day. It made me realize just how many real friends I have made the past two months and how much this trip has brought me many invaluable lessons. I'm learning to live in a completely different culture, speak a foreign language outside of the classroom, and simply growing up. As much as I miss my family, this trip has taught me how to live and survive without them nearby to pick me up if I fall. It's strengthened my confidence and self-esteem, and helped me to learn just who I've grown to be. I've made many friends, all of whom I can't imagine not being in my life. I'm so glad to be here and so very happy with where my life is going and today just reaffirmed all of that for me.
Enough sappiness. I think I'm gonna call it a night and head to bed. I'm sleepy.
<3 Love & Miss You! <3